VinBiodiv preserves and develops biodiversity in the vineyards of the Upper Rhine. For this we work with the winemakers and winegrowers on several actions:
- Writing agro-ecological diagnostics and recommendation sheets
- Installation of agro-ecological infrastructures
- Organisation of technical days and seminars
- Development of a catalogue of technical measures
Agro-ecological diagnostics or recommendation sheets
Each vineyard participating in the project is subject to an agro-ecological diagnosis over its entire territory, aimed at identifying the biodiversity present and defining conservation issues. It also enables the identification of favourable ecological infrastructures already present and the sectors which would require others.
Installation of agro-ecological infrastructures
Once the diagnosis has been made, consultation with each winegrower makes it possible to define the infrastructures that we choose to put in place. These can take different forms, depending on the priority conservation issues defined in the initial diagnosis, but also taking into account the technical requirements related to work in the vines. These infrastructures are mainly defined by: planting of hedges, isolated trees or thickets, creation of ponds and dry stone walls, creation of embankments and flowering strips of land, installation of structures favourable to insects (piles of dead wood, heaps of stones, mounds of sand, etc.).
Organisation of technical days and seminars
In order to strengthen and expand the networks of transnational actors working to support winegrowers on practices favourable to biodiversity, we are organising both work seminars and technical days!
The seminars are intended to welcome a large audience in order to share the work carried out within the project’s framework with all stakeholders interested in greater biodiversity in the vineyard.
The first seminar took place at EPLEFPA (Local Public Agricultural Education and Training Establishment) in Rouffach, France, on 23 November 2021. The second one took place in Heitersheim, Germany, on 17 November 2022.
The technical days are intended to provide knowledge, carry out demonstrations of “green” equipment and infrastructures and discuss the results with wine growers and professionals in the wine world. To a large extent these days are carried out in the field.
Identifying species
Knowledge of typical vineyard plants and animals is a prerequisite for their promotion and protection. We have drawn up three illustrated lists of “flagship” species in the vineyards. Download them and participate in the identification and census of the fauna and flora of your vineyard!

VINBIODIV Voegel_Oiseaux | VINBIODIV Pflanzen_Plantes | VINBIODIV Insekten_Insectes
Catalogue of technical measures
Meetings are interesting, but we also need written documents to convey this feedback!
This is the whole purpose of the work we are carrying out in order to produce a catalogue of technical measures and cultivation practices based on actions in the participating wineries. The catalogue will be available in three languages at the beginning of 2023.