The project

A project for the preservation and development of biodiversity in the wine-growing areas of the Upper Rhine!

Vinbiodiv is an INTERREG V project April 2021 – June 2023

Crédit @LPO_Alsace

The project’s main objective is the preservation and development of biodiversity in the vineyards of the Upper Rhine in order to improve the quality of services rendered by the ecosystems.

A multidisciplinary and cross-border team has been set up to meet these objectives. It is made up of naturalists, wine professionals, research organisations and administrative collectivities.

The main lines of work are as follows :

The main lines of work are as follows:

Implementation of concrete actions favourable to biodiversity

  • Carrying out individual agro-ecological diagnostics in the vineyards of the Upper Rhine
  • Develop agro-environmental infrastructures in the wine-growing plots
  • Produce a guide to technical measures and cultural practices conducive to the life and cultivation of the vine

Capitalisation, experimentation and impact assessment

  • Capitalise on innovative experiences in agro-ecology through the production of technical data sheets
  • Carry out experiments on the services rendered by biodiversity to the vineyards
  • Publish the results of the first evaluations

Dissemination and promotion

  • Develop a trilingual training platform
  • Organise seminars and technical days
  • Raise awareness among the general public
  • Organise a competition
carte des financeurs du projet viobiodiv

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VinBiodiv funders
